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About me:

I am a senior at University of South Florida studying Integrative Animal Biology (Human Track) and Public Health. I lived in the suburbs in Jacksonville for 16 years, and that is where my love for traveling and the beach came to be. I was raised by two parents whose love for education and adventure rubbed off on me. With my parents, I then realized how much learning and experience would mean to me.


I came to the University of South Florida in summer 2015 intending to studying biomedical sciences, to study medicine. While my desire to help people in the medical field has not changed, I wanted to have a career a little more specific. Through taking classes at the university, I realized that I had a passion for learning about diseases and how they spread. After my first year, I changed my major to the human track of Integrative Animal Biology and received clearance for a dual major in public health.  


Through my experience at the University of South Florida, I have developed skills in leadership and communication. This past semester I have increase my knowledge on many things including: writing, public health, organic chemistry, physics and ecology. Through my public health class, I have worked on the different options for issues in the field include disparities and global health. Through my science classes, I have gained knowledge about how chemistry and ecology is a part of our everyday life.

Through my professional writing class, I have worked on creating my personal brand and creating a professional attitude. Students were to use critical thinking, reading, and writing to write and understand business communication. 

Upon graduation, I hope to continue my education at graduate school for the research of disease. After graduation school, I wish to work in a laboratory to research and control disease. Some of greatest strengths that I have gained include being organized, good time management, and being proficient at analyzing and solving problems.


While being a full-time student, volunteering, and being a part of a sorority, my college experience has been such an adventure. I would love for you to explore my ePortfolio further and learn more about my experiences, interests, and the connections between my future goals and my current activities!

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